Adelaide Azmerian

Noble Ishgardian duelist who feels more alive when sparring than when standing around uselessly at fancy events or playing the dutiful daughter.


Name: Adelaide AzmerianServer: BalmungRace: Elezen (Wildwood)Gender: FemaleAge: 33Eyes: Garnet red

Distinctive marks:
Her red eyes are fairly distinctive as are her freckles which dot her cheeks, the bridge of her nose, the upper folds of her ears, her arms, and her collarbone.
Patron Deity: Halone, The FuryHouse Azmerien:
Adelaide is the eldest daughter of a self-interested, infamously problematic, Ishgardian House in decline.
Feeding wild birds, caring for the fish in her aquarium, tending to the family rose garden, calligraphy, letter writing, reading poetry, trying (and failing) to write poetry, learning harp, sword training, exorcise.
Common Gear:
Sword at her hip (usually a rapier, but not always), fitted blouses and dresses that cinch at the waist but show very little skin. She wears long, white woolen coats with big buttons, elegant gloves, and well-cared for and very clean black boots, an expensive pocketwatch that bears her initials, and a simple, but elegant, ivory ring that marks her as a duelist in a not-exactly-legal duelist circle.
Colorful ribbons in her hair that she says were a gift.Personality:
Adelaide, at first brush, seems overly serious, cold, aloof, judgmental, and disinterested. She keeps her feelings tightly sealed and locked away-- and will insist she lost the key.
Under her hard exterior, however, she's a big, ole softie. Daydreamy, emotional, sensual, and romantic, she'd prefer to keep these parts of herself completely out of view.Profession:
Duels have become a fashion of sort among some of the young nobles in Ishgard. Spurred on by lofty notions of chivalry and long lost and romantic ideals, any dispute, however minor, quickly escalates into a pristine glove on the floor or in the snow or, in rare occasions, in the mud. That said, duels are not without risk, and perhaps this adds to the appeal for these young nobles, desperately longing for something grander now that the Dragon War is over. While a fight to the death is rarely the goal, accidents do happen, and furthermore, duels have been banned by the city. So to avoid damage or dishonor to their house, many a young noble will hire Cavaliers, trained duelists who will do the fighting in their stead, and should it come to it, take the punishment for the duel.
Adelaide is a strange addition to this mix in that she is the rare case of a noble who will fight duels for other nobles (assuming they will keep this fact a secret). She primarily fights on behalf of her own scandal ridden house- as her family is quite good at getting into fights and she's quite good at ending them.Note: Thanks to Faustine for providing the description of the profession which I completely plagiarized.Ambition:
Adelaide's greatest ambition is to prove herself a master swordswoman by winning more duels than any other Cavalier in Ishgard's underground duelist circle. She is constantly thwarted in these attempts by her rival, Faustine Bellamy, 's frustrating habit of winning just as many duels. Most galling- or intriguing- of all to Adelaide, is that Faustine has bested her as well.
She would also like to untangle herself from her family's dealings in Ishgard, but has not yet seen a way to do so.


Adelaide is the oldest of 5 children and 3 cousins in House Azmerien. When she was born her mother was so delighted that she'd have a daughter who she could teach to love the same things she loves: Parties, men, and socializing.Unfortunately, she'd have to wait 6 more years for that daughter to arrive.Adelaide grew up terribly disinterested in attending fancy parties, not particularly impressed by any men, and dreadfully uncomfortable with social games. While she does enjoy dressing well, she does not enjoy showing off her body anywhere other than in sparring and duels. She tends to wear high collars, long sleeves, and pants or long skirts with high boots. In fact, the thought of someone noticing her at all outside of combat makes her rather uncomfortable; she doesn't know how to respond to that sort of attention.What Adelaide does enjoy, and always has, is swordplay. She loves swords and training with them every bit as much as her mother enjoys verbal sparring with gossip. Adelaide feels like she comes alive when she has a sword in her hand and, as such, always try to have one at her hip.

Her noble house, House Azmerien, is badly behaved and an embarrassment to her. They are well-known in Ishgard for being thugs with a noble name that has long ago been tarnished by the irreputable, bad behavior of some of the house's members. Adelaide would leave the entire disgraceful house behind if she weren't certain that the family would find a scandalous and horrible way to blackmail her into returning anyway.Further, she has a sickly younger brother who requires expensive care and she does not trust anyone else in the family to provide or pay for that care. He adores his siblings, to Adelaide's great regret, and so she remains.A shared secret among House Azmerien (and other Houses involved) is that Adelaide acts a Cavalier for nobility in an underground duelist circle in Ishgard. When nobility comes to blows but does not want to risk their own injuries (or their own brush with the law), they hire Cavaliers to fight in their stead. Adelaide primarily settles her family's ever-present quarrels as their duelist. The fact that this activity is not-exactly-legal is of no real concern to her. It allows her to practice her fencing and to interact with others who share a similar passion for swordplay.Adelaide hopes to prove her worth to her family and to outsiders alike by winning more duels in this circle than any other Cavalier. She's thus far been thwarted by her rival (and crush) Faustine Bellamy.Apart from fencing, Adelaide also studies all other forms of sword art. It is her intention to not only learn every style of sword fighting, but to excel and then master them all as well.


Righteous Riposte:
Adelaide has the most pride in her fighting ability and will always accept a challenge for a duel. Perhaps you have found yourself on the wrong side of her horrible family (very easy to do) and have been challenged by House Azmerien to a duel. If that is the case, it is Adelaide that you (or your cavalier) will face. Or perhaps you’d like to learn to learn sword styles from an Ishgardian instructor? Adelaide can do that too.

Eat the Rich:
Are you playing someone who wants to steal from snooty nobility? Well, Adelaide’s family is a perfect mark for that. Adelaide, herself, looks like a good mark for it too.

Fighting for a Cause:
Adelaide would be more than happy to work as someone’s bodyguard or assist in plots to protect Ishgard that might benefit from her skills.

High Society:
Adelaide does not like to be flustered, so the best kind of RP will do exactly that! She can be at any fancy party wishing that she wasn’t. Even if she’s standoffish– I’m not! I will happily engage in RP.

Talk to her at all:
If you want to RP with her? YAY! I like that! I want to RP with you too, I bet! We’ll work it out.

The Really Real Me

Hi there! Here’s the bullet points about my OOC self.

☆ I’m a relatively boring, married lady with two cats, a leopard gecko, and a job that has me working really weird hours (M-F at 5 am- 3 pm CST, and some weekends). Because of the weird job, I’m not on quite as much as I'd like to be. That might make long term RP in game more difficult. I apologize for that!Please feel free to message me if you see me in game!

☆ I also like to do RP on Discord! This works well for my schedule because it gives me time to formulate better responses than when the pressure is on. It lets me multitask too!That said: I don’t tend to give out my Discord information right away. I’m not trying to be rude, I promise! I’d just rather get to know characters and players in game first and then give that information when we’ve known each other for awhile.

I don’t want to do anything you are uncomfortable with. The player on the other side of the screen is more important to me than anything I want to get up to ICly. RP should be fun! It can’t be fun if someone is miserable OOC.

☆ Finally, I'd love all my characters to develop all kinds of relationships with all kinds of characters. I'm not disinterested in romances for my characters, but I'm not looking for them either. I'd prefer relationships grow over time rather than be pre-planned. And I am not interested in anything beyond friendship OOC.I look forward to meeting you and RPing soon!

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